International projects


Nordplus is a program established by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The program improves and introduces innovations in the education systems of the Nordic and Baltic countries.

The Nordplus Higher Education Programme is a mobility and network programme in the higher education sector, on bachelor and master levels, for the Nordic and Baltic countries.

The activities of the Nordplus program are implemented by agreement between the educational institutions and organizations in the participating countries. The Nordplus program supports projects that promote knowledge acquisition, exchange and networking.


  • promote cooperation between higher education institutions in the participating countries by networking, sharing experiences and disseminating good practice and innovative results;
  • contribute to the promotion of co-operation between higher education institutions and other institutions or organizations working in the field of higher education;
  • contributes to cooperation between higher education institutions and employers by strengthening the link between higher education and working life.

Higher education institutions:

  • students
  • academic staff
  • administration staff